The Best 5 Apps for Life-Long Learning
Photo by Vlada Karpovich
Write what you know. It’s the first piece of writing advice you’ll ever hear, and you will hear it often. But, to write what you know can box you in, put its four walls around you and cap your imagination. The truth is you can learn anything you put your mind to and then that knowledge can only add to your writing.
Below, we’ve put together the top five apps to help you grow your knowledge and skills in any area that interests you.
Khan Academy
We’re starting off strong with Khan Academy, “a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.” While the youtube channel started with teaching math you can now explore several fields such as the arts and humanities, economics, science, reading and language skills, and even life skills such as personal finance, entrepreneurship, and the growth mindset.
Next up we have TED where you can discover thousands of videos on hundreds of topics all for free. There are also blogs and articles and several podcasts you can listen to. It’s a great way to begin your research and dip your toes into the topic before you dive in.
SparkNotes is like the digital version of Cliff’s Notes, but the website has more than just Shakespeare. You can find study guides on everything from Lord of the Rings to The Vanishing Half. But it’s more than literature. You can also learn about psychology, drama, film, physics, and more.
Duolingo is the world’s number one way to learn a new language, even fictional ones like Klingon. Research also shows that learning another language can improve your memory skills and further your understanding of your native language.
Free with premium options, Codecademy teaches you to code in a simple, yet fun, way. You can learn coding languages like HTMl, CSS, and JavaScript - all used to code websites (like your very own author website).
To conclude, every day, we have opportunities to learn and grow. We make choices that have consequences - positive, negative, or neutral. We make observations, gaining more information than we had before. We give ourselves the gift of getting to know ourselves and the world around us just a bit more than we did yesterday.
What’s your favourite learning app? Let us know in the comments below.
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